Do you choose a word of the year each January?
I definitely do, and every year, I consider and reject at least a dozen before I land on just the right one to capture the many goals and dreams I want to focus on for the next 12 months.
But this year, I knew the perfect word for 2022 long before we said goodbye to 2021.
I’m a huge believer in finding our authentic selves, going beyond some of the limiting or negative ways we may have been conditioned to think and to feel and instead tuning into our intuition, our values, our ideals, and our hopes to find a kind of ‘deeper knowing’ inside ourselves that’s always been there - a light that, if we can uncover it and trust it, will light our path as we walk through life so we can see the next step to take, and then the next, and the next, and so on.
I’ve long known that while I am educated in design and there are very specific and logical (even scientific) aspects to good design, there’s also a distinctly intuitive element to my creative process. I learned early on in my design career that when I listen to my intuition instead of doubting myself, my designs are even better and my clients are even happier.
In recent years, events in both my professional and personal life (RHD’s rebranding process last year, for one) have led me to work harder on letting myself be guided by my values and my intuition - my ‘inner light.’
Uncovering and understanding who we really are at our cores in order to find that light is a long, challenging journey. Having the courage to share our authentic selves and shine in the world is even longer and more challenging! Ironically, I’ve found that the more I work on finding, following, and appreciating my inner light, the more unburdened I become. Mentally, emotionally, and even physically, I feel, if you will, lighter.
And so with all of that in mind, can you guess what I’ve chosen this year?

It’s ‘LIGHT’
I chose ‘LIGHT ’as RHD’s word-of-the-year in hopes that it will remind us daily..
To honor the light in ourselves
To honor the light in others
To share our light with the world through our creativity and how we care for our clients
To be guided by our values, our intuition, and who we are at our cores
To understand our clients deeply by shining a light on their values, hopes, and dreams
To be more mindful about taking care of ourselves so we’re better equipped to serve our clients well
To listen to our own creative instincts when faced with challenges and limitations
Throughout the coming months, we’ll be sprinkling in a little content here and there on our blog and Instagram having to do with these lofty ideas.
But, of course, we’ll also do our fair share of talking about all the ways light comes into play in interior design such as how natural light affects our homes and our moods, layering and manipulating light to a space’s best advantage, and the most fun of all, where to find all the gorgeous light fixtures we’re loving this year!
And so, we at RHD greet 2022 knowing we’re in for amazing things and so are our wonderful clients! Happy New Year, everyone, and let your light brighten the world!